Join My Team

I became a THRIVE Life consultant because I love THRIVE foods and I want to share them with all of my friends! Plus, this opportunity enhances all of my hobbies! It provides a way for me to serve my family, saves me time, money, and energy in the kitchen, helps me build my home store and emergency supplies, and I get to socialize with others. I love the products and the THRIVE Life business model.

THRIVE Life's vision is to help people around the world create thriving lives. This is one reason why they sell their products directly through consultants.  This business model allows THRIVE Life to introduce their products to people through classes. They want people to taste and experience for themselves how these products can help them eat healthier, save time, and save money. 

I love that being a consultant enables me to be more self-reliant, prosperous, and charitable. And I am helping others to do the same. Would you like to join me? Consultants receive some amazing benefits:

How to Become a Consultant

Contact me! I would love to hear from you to answer your questions and get you started on this path. Here are the steps to enroll:
1. Click here:
2. Click on “Start Here” button at bottom
3. Log-In or create an account
4. Enter my information

  • Name: Vanessa Henry
  • Email:
  • Phone: 801-842-2009
  • Enroller ID: 11456

5. Enter Your Information (name, address, social, email, direct deposit info etc.)
6. Purchase a starter kit.  They range from $199-$579 and you can choose anyone you want.  You can see all the options on this list.  I am not commissioned based on which kit you get, but I would recommend the Value Starter Kit ($289) because it is a much better value than the Consultant Kit.

Once you've enrolled, I will start sending you training information!

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