Saturday, November 2, 2013

Physical Fitness

My family participated in a 5K this morning organized and hosted by my husband's company.

We walked a 3.1 mile circuit around the USAA campus. The air was brisk and cool, but not freezing. We pushed the boys in our double stroller and enjoyed the scenery.
Image source
At about the two and a half mile mark I began to feel tired and started slowing down. Walking/running/hiking has never been my thing, but I can handle short distances. I started thinking about what a luxury it is to be able to drive everywhere.

How far is it to your nearest gas station, grocery store, pharmacy, or hospital? We have a gas station right around the corner from us, only about half a mile. We also live really close to a hub of hospitals called the Medical Center, so we have a choice of three major hospitals and two major pharmacies only about 2 1/2 miles away. Our grocery store is also about 2 1/2 miles away from our home.

If I didn't have use of my car, I could probably handle walking those distances to get to those important places. But what if the distance were farther? Or what if, in an extreme emergency, I had to carry my 72 hour kit on my back and/or carry my baby?

The 5K this morning reminded me that I need to do more cardio and get in better shape. Part of being prepared means being physically fit enough to handle any situation.

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