We invited some friends over for dinner tonight, two adults and three children. I decided to make spaghetti and asked my husband to be in charge of cooking the noodles while I started on the sauce. I got the ground beef, onions, mushrooms, and water in the pan when he started to add the noodles to his pot. He asked if he should do two packages of noodles. I hadn't considered the need to make more than usual, but suddenly worried that one recipe wouldn't be enough. So at the last minute I decided to multiply my recipe by 1 1/2, just to have a little extra.
Now, with a regular recipe, this would be really difficult to do halfway through because I would have needed to possibly thaw and cook another half pound of meat, chop more onions and mushrooms, and saute everything together. Not so with THRIVE! I just dumped another 1/2 cup ground beef, 1/2 tablespoon onions, 1/4 cup mushroooms, and 1 1/2 cups water into the pan. And then continued with the recipe as normal, adding 1 1/2 times more of the rest of the ingredients.
The ease of use and versatility of THRIVE still amazes me.
P.S. Dinner was fabulous, and we did end up having quite a lot of leftovers, but we're okay with that.
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